Monochromatic describes a color palette that combines the different tints and shades of one single color. In interior design settings, monochromatic color schemes are a great way to create a sleek, simple and unified room. Below are a few Perch favorites that combine to make a beautiful monochromatic display.
- The Miles Boom floor lamp, from Robert Abbey, is a gorgeous solution for a room that could use a touch of ambient lighting.
- Our Hawthorne sofa is a favorite for lounging. With deep seats and a low profile, this sofa invites you to curl up and watch your favorite movie.
- Cowhide rugs are SO durable! This worry-free rug makes a beautiful centerpiece.
- These woven poufs, from Chandra, and perfect for providing extra seating without taking up too much space. Plus, they are super cute!
All of the items pictured can be purchased at Perch!
– Audrey